Food Chauffeuring – Every Introverts Dream Job

Got some free time, a licence, and something that moves on 2 or 4 wheels? Then you’re all set for a side hustle as a food deliverer. As long as you’re 18 years and older, you can make money driving food to its final destination and not have to worry about making awkward conversation. The food won’t care for your teriyaki small talk.
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Everyone loves food, whether it’s vegan, meaty, kosher, or an all-you-can-eat buffet. The one and only thing better than food, is food that you don’t have to cook, pick up, or dress up for. That’s where this side hustle comes in. Thanks to services such as Uber Eats, Just Eat, Food Hub, Deliveroo, Domino Pizza, Tomato, Talabat, Eat Clean me, and Spoon-fed , you can be the middle man between restaurants and other food establishments and the hungry, hungry people who love their food but don’t want to have to go there to enjoy it.

You can do food deliveries using your car, a scooter, motorbike, or a bike. The transportation method doesn’t really matter as long as the order reaches the customer in one piece (or several, if it’s something like pizza). No special training is needed for this side hustle, apart from patience in the event that the order you’re going to pick up is not ready upon your arrival. With most food delivery services, you’ll be paid for the time you spend waiting for the order to be ready.

Who Is It For?
If you’ve got enough spare time to be able to wait for food orders to get ready and you have a licence, car, scooter, motorbike, or bicycle; you can try your hand at food delivery as a side hustle.

Who Is It Not For?
It goes without saying that if you can’t resist food, you probably shouldn’t be responsible for delivering it. The last thing a customer needs is to get their pizza with a couple of pepperonis missing or their large order of McDonald’s french fries looking…not so large. Sometimes orders aren’t ready on time and you may have to wait a while to pick it up and deliver it. If your schedule doesn’t have provision for such events, then you can forget about chauffeuring pizza, chicken noodles, and all the other food people love to order.

How It Works?
Since there are a number of food delivery services you can sign up for, there will be a few differences in how they work. The principle is the same though. Someone orders food, you pick it up and deliver it to them. A few of the companies/services you can do this side hustle through are:

  1. Uber Eats
    To become an Uber Eats courier partner, you have to be at least 18 years old with a valid driver’s licence and vehicle insurance, including cover for food deliveries. Depending on the mode of transport available to you, you can choose to do deliveries by car, scooter/motorbike, or by bicycle. Once you sign up to deliver, you’ll need to consent to a safety screening and upload the required documents. If all goes well, you’ll be notified that you are active and you can get on the road and begin accepting delivery requests through the Uber Partner app. The app has navigation and other helpful information to help you find your way so you don’t end up at the wrong foodie’s place with the wrong food. You can also track your earnings through the app and get paid weekly.
  2. Just Eat
    As long as you’re 18 years old and have a driving license and certificate showing your vehicle is insured/registered. If you meet these requirements, you can sign up for an account, upload the required documents, and complete a quick screening call with a Just Eat member. Once everything has been verified, you can download the courier app and set your availability to begin picking up any available, open food runs.
  3. Deliveroo
    With a few requirements like having a scooter, motorbike or bicycle with safety gear, a smartphone (iPhone iOS 10 and above or Android 5.0 and above), and proof of your right to work in the UK; you can make money riding with Deliveroo. The application process takes as little as 5 minutes and you’ll have to answer simple questions like what city you want to work in.
  4. Domino Pizza
    To be a Domino Pizza driver, you must be at least 18 years old with the right to work in the UK or Ireland. If you’ll be delivering by car, you have to have a full driving license and a roadworthy vehicle, properly taxed, with valid insurance. Car drivers must have less than 6 points on their license, plus no driving bans in the last 5 years. Moped drivers must have a CBT license.

    What We Like?
    ⦁ Making food deliveries as a side hustle is a flexible gig so you can fit it in whenever you get some free time.
    ⦁ For most of the services that you can do food deliveries with, you’ll get paid for each delivery or weekly and you’ll be able to keep track of your earnings through the relevant mobile apps.
    ⦁ If a customer tips you after you make the delivery, you get to keep 100% of the tips.
    ⦁ You get to explore the city while you make deliveries.

    What We Don’t Like?
    ⦁ Orders may take some time to get ready which means you may have to wait to pick them up. With some of the food delivery services, you won’t be able to cancel a delivery you’ve accepted if it’s taking too long to get ready.
    ⦁ Gas expenses are not included in the pay.
    ⦁ People tend to shoot the messenger i.e. the food deliverer if there’s anything wrong with the food upon delivery.

    How Much Can You Make
    What you earn depends on the delivery service you work with to do food deliveries as each company has different formulas for calculating earnings. For example, the delivery fare for Uber eats is broken down as follows:
    ⦁ Pick-up: £1.40
    ⦁ Per mile: £1.50
    ⦁ Drop-off: £1.10
    The Uber service fee charged on your fares will depend on the method of transport you use. The charge is 30% for bikers, 25% for scooter deliveries, and 25% if you use a car.

    Food deliveries as a side hustle is great because you don’t need any special skills and you can use whatever mode of transport you have. Besides earnings from your deliveries, you can get more money if the customer adds a tip to their payment. Signing up to be a food deliverer with any of the services mentioned here is free and easy and you can follow the links given below to see which one you like best.

    ⦁ Flexible schedule
    ⦁ Easy to do

    ⦁ A driver’s license is required in most cases.
    ⦁ You may be held responsible for any mishaps with the food, even if you’re not at fault

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